Lilli Pilli Tuesday/ Wednesday Group
Term 2
Term 2 Week 3
Lilli Pilli Tuesday/Wednesday group loved having Plastic-free Boy visit on Tuesday. His visit inspired discussion, craft and imaginative play today, and I think we have a group of ‘Ocean Superheroes’! Turtley cool!
Thank you the Mums and grandmas that were able to join us for breakfast- it was a lovely morning of love and connection.
Also this week, we have utilised natural materials in to extend playdough exploration, looked closer at sunflowers and their seeds and made seed pod spiders!

Term 2 Week 2
What a busy week Lilli Pilli Tuesday/ Wednesday group have had!
A group interest in and curiosity for the concept of caring for Country inspired some flower artwork this week using different media- paint and collage.
There has been a lot of chat about Mothers Day and why Mums are so special. We hope you can make our breakfast next Tuesday- any time between 8.30 and 9.30.
The most exciting part of our week was a visit from Mr Brad- children who attended preschool last year all remembered how fun his gross motor session are, and our new children all quickly joined in the fun!

Term 2 Week 1
Lilli Pilli Tuesday/ Wednesday group have spent a wonderful two days back together, sharing holiday happenings and making the most of sunny weather.
We have noticed the children have been engaging in lots of imaginary, group play and in doing so developing new and existing friendships as well as deepening their knowledge around key concepts and increasing their social skills.
We read a beautiful book- ‘Persistence’ by local author Zanni Louise and shared ideas on what we have needed persistence for previously, and what we cannot do yet.

Term 1
Term 1 Week 11
We have spent lots of time outside this week, enjoying the wonderful weather and each other’s company.
We have been looking at rubbish this week, especially the bins we have at preschool and home and what we put in each one.
We also made ‘magic playdough’ again, explored letters, names and simple words, and engaged in some slimey sensory play.
We celebrated the end of term 1 with some banana ice cream- thanks to Jasper for the bananas! It was a huge hit, and easy to make at home- just put frozen bananas into a blender! Yummy and healthy!
Enjoy the term break and we’ll see you all in term 2!

Term 1 Week 9
To celebrate Harmony Week we read books “Sharing a shell” and “Different is beautiful” and the children shared their ideas on what Harmony means to them and drew pictures to express this.
We had a lot of fun using our fine motors skills and creativity playing with Kaylene’s ‘Plus-plus’ blocks.
And continuing on with veggie month, yesterday we cooked pumpkin pikelets, then today we read The potato people, created a few of our own potato people and also peeled and cooked up some yummy baked potato chips for afternoon tea.
What a full couple of days!

Term 1 Week 8
Lilli Pilli Tuesday/ Wednesday group have extended their learning about birds by doing some bird spotting outside today, and finding the birds they saw on the local bird chart.
We have also been embracing NSW Health’s Veggie Month initiative. The ‘feely box’ was a fun way to think about the characteristics of some veggies- we’ll use the pumpkin to make some scones next week!
We also created our own veg rainbow using pictures found in magazines, cutting them out with some great scissor skills. There were lots of interesting conversations about the difference between a fruit and a vegetable- something we will explore more next week.

Term 1 Week 7
Lilli Pilli Tuesday/ Wednesday group were intrigued by the very noisy birds visiting our yard yesterday. The corellas provoked many questions, so today we had a whole group discussion about what we all knew about birds, explored some feathers and a nest, and created some bird art. Watercolours continue to be a favourite medium with the children.
Also this week we were busy cooling off by playing in the water tray, engaging in social and imaginative play, and doing some mathematical thinking with playdough.

Term 1 Week 5
This week we have been thinking about caring for Country. Each morning we sing our Acknowledgment of Country song and today we also looked at the Bundjalung seasons calendar, which tells us it is currently wet season. The fungi we have been noticing and the mozzies hanging around are evidence of this!
Our rainy day today was great for cooking banana pikelets, colour mixing and continuing to visit our Lilli Pilli cafe!

Term 1 Week 4
This week we have been developing our Code of Conduct- a set of ‘rules’ children and educators decide upon together to keep ourselves, each other and our environment safe.
Levi brought in some tadpoles to show us, which inspired some frog research and lots of questions!
We dug up some sweet potatoes and made some yummy chips for lunch today. We have also been thinking about what else we could plant, grow and eat at preschool.
Many children have been enjoying painting and educators have noticed the children’s focus has been more on colour mixing and mess making rather than creating a ‘product’, so today we provided a different sensory painting experience on the perspex screen- it was lots of messy fun!

Term 1 Week 3
​The creek was a popular place place to be this week for many of the children, where they experimented with the flow of water and worked out how to transport the gravel.
We have continued to explore light, using a torch, prisms and a shiny silver board.
To support children's connection with home and family while they are at preschool we read The Invisible String and thought about who we were all connected to with our own invisible string

Term 1 Week 2
We have had a wonderful first week together!
Our new children have explored and investigated in their new environment and our returning children have been great role models for the routines and expectations of preschool.
Some new friendships are already beginning to form and we can’t wait to spend the year playing and learning together!