Lilli Pilli Thursday/ Friday Group
Term 2
Term 2 Week 3
Thank you for those who were able to share our Mother’s Day breakfast, it was great to see the children looking after their special guests.
For the breakfast we decided to make some lemon myrtle tea from the leaves on our tree at preschool.
We have enjoyed some awesome inside activities including using our coordination skills with golf ball paintings, a picnic lunch and lots of team work and problem solving in the block corner

Term 2 Week 2
Lilli Pilli Thursday Friday group had an amazing week.
Using puppets we supported the children to develop skills in asking a peer to play and to ask a teacher for help. We are hoping that through this role play that all children will feel more confident in these skills.
We had Mr Brad from Fitness Kidz come to practice our gross motor, balance and coordination.
Rochelle was here to do some great music and dancing activities, learning and beat and movement

Term 2 Week 1
Thursday/Friday Lilli Pilli group had a wonderful time reconnecting after the break. The children were able to share with everyone what they had been doing while they weren’t at preschool. Children are able to share a sense of pride as they recall events and stories about home, learn about each other and find things in common.
To extend on our group time we then asked the children to create a book and draw their ideas.
We also had a big chat about our emotions and providing the language for the children to express these feelings and learn how to tell others what they are feeling. This is an ongoing goal that we will continue to explore in a variety of ways.

Term 1
Term 1 Week 11
This week we have been looking at the Bundjalung Cultural Calendar and spending time outside observing the changes in the season. The children were very interested in learning about indigenous foods so we cooked some delicious Johnny cakes , a traditional food that would have been cooked on an open fire for breakfast. We have had such a busy term , we hope you all have a lovely break and look forward to seeing all your smiling faces in Term 2.

Term 1 Week 9
Lilli Pilli Thursday Friday group have been filling each other’s buckets, as we encourage turn taking games and working together. Within this children learn about fairness, kindness, and awareness of others. Children must show patience and develop the ability to share their ideas and negotiate with others.

Term 1 Week 8
We have had a really great two days talking about vegie month, children were able to share their ideas of always food and sometimes food. And we also have enjoyed a variety of vegetable related activities including making pumpkin scones, a vegie count, Always food matching game and reading the Magic Lunch Box.
We have some positive connections between peers and have loved watching the children establishing and creating their own games.
Yoga coinciding with our rest time and this was popular and enjoyable for everyone.

Term 1 Week 7
Thursday Friday Lilli Pilli group have started looking at some different types of vegetables for Vegetable Month. We looked at different foods in magazines and the children used their developing scissor skills to cut out the food and then stuck it on a paper plate to make their own yummmy, healthy meal!
Children have been developing their early literacy with some name writing practice.
We have also been learning together about the bins at Preschool, especially what we can recycle and put into organic waste or our worm farm.
We have had so much fun and busy days full of learning.

Term 1 Week 5
The rain certainly brought up a large range of topics to discuss this week.
We read the wonderful book “ Just the Way We are”- it is a book about many different families and diversity.
We have loved seeing all the wonderful social interaction and connections between the children, they are enjoying great play together.

Term 1 Week 4
Thursday/ Friday Lilli Pilli group -
We had such a wonderful time continuing the interest in our garden, we found lots and lots of sweet potatoes in the garden and it sparked much joy and excitement as we had to dig for them, and found one after another.
We then discussed ideas of what we thought we might like to plant in the future.
We also had some discussion and thoughts around seeds and how plants grow.
The water table was a wonderful social experience helping the children understand volume and movement, as well as lots of cooling fun on a warm day.
Term 1 Week 3
Lilli Pilli Thursday/ Friday group harvested some sweet potatoes yesterday and decided to make some chips with them today- yum!
The creek was a place to negotiate space and resources as children dug and transported the river sand and explored the flow of water in the creek.
Term 1 Week 2
We have had a wonderful first week together!
Our new children have explored and investigated in their new environment and our returning children have been great role models for the routines and expectations of preschool.
Some new friendships are already beginning to form and we can’t wait to spend the year playing and learning together!