The National Quality Framework (NQF) guides the regulation, assessment and quality improvement of our preschool. Many policies have been developed and linked to the NQF to guide safety and compliance here.
To learn more about the components of the National Quality Standard, click
Copies of these policies are available at all times in the preschool foyer, and are reviewed regularly throughout the year. You may be asked for your input into future policy development. ​
It is very important that you are familiar with the highlighted polices below before your child begins preschool.
Quality Area Two:
Children's Health and Safety
Child Protection
First Aid
Hand washing
Head Lice
Hygiene and Infection Control
Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness
Infectious Diseases
Medical Conditions
Providing a Child Safe Environment
Safe Storage of Dangerous Goods
Toileting and Nappy Change
Water Safety
Work Health and Safety
Quality Area Three:
Physical Environment
Environmental Sustainability
Quality Area Four:
Staffing Arrangments
Code of Conduct
Determining Responsible Person
Performance Appraisal and Professional Development Planning
Professional Development
Recruitment and Retention
Staff Grievance
Staff Immunisation
Time off in Lieu (TOIL)
Volunteers and Students
Quality Area Five:
Relationships with Children
Guiding Children's Behaviour
Interactions with Children